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Understanding Common Allergic Asthma Symptoms In Children

December 09, 2022 | 11:53 am

Allergy & Asthma center K R Puram

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a breathing condition that occurs when your airways narrow down and swell up causing excess mucus production. It can lead to breathing difficulties, and sometimes need emergency medical intervention to avoid fatal risks.

Asthma can affect your lungs and causes your airways to:

  • Swell or get irritated (inflammation), particularly in the airway linings.
  • Secrete excessive mucus that is thicker than usual.
  • Narrow down owing to the tightening of the muscles around the airways.

Asthmatic spells occur when the airways of your lung tighten because of inhaling an allergen. Such may include dander, pollen, and mold spores. It is a common condition in both children and adults, though children with asthma problems are at a higher risk.

The most common symptoms of asthma are coughing, rashes, shortness of breath, stuffy nose, wheezing, and itchy eyes.

If your children have asthma, a skilled allergist can help them lead a healthy, active life. Asthma and allergy experts at Kinder Hospitals know how to help control your child’s asthma and give them the fulfilling life they deserve. In short, an allergist works with the parent to develop a customized asthma action plan, so your child can do everything other children can do, without worrying about an asthmatic attack.

Since not all children show the same symptoms of asthma problems, you need expert help to decide the best treatment.

Most Common Signs/Symptoms Of Asthma Problems In Children:

  • Persistent cough.
  • A cough that worsens after a viral infection.
  • Wheezing while breathing.
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing.
  • Sleeplessness owing to constant breathing issues or coughing.
  • Tightness in the chest or neck.
  • Fatigue.
  • Grunting while chewing or trouble while eating.
  • Coughing during exercise, playing, crying, laughing, or when in cold air.
  • Lack of energy while playing sports.
  • Retractions in the chest.
  • Feeling weak and tired.

Common Allergens That Trigger Asthma

Though allergens are always around us – indoors and outdoors, children with asthma need special care to keep them from worsening the condition. For infants with asthma, inhaling such harmful allergens can trigger flare-ups and worsen the symptoms fast. So, to control your condition, it’s better to learn what the common triggers are and avoid them.

Allergens That Trigger Asthma

Dust Mites: These are quite small mites with spiders-shaped bodies. They usually live on the soft surfaces of homes such as clothes, padded furniture, carpets, etc. Dust mites feed on skin flakes that people naturally shed all the time. Such mites themselves and their feces act as allergens.

Pollen: It’s a powder-like substance that comes from plants and is one of the most common types of allergens for asthma problems in children. Grass and weeds are the most popular pollen allergens.

Mold: It’s normally found in moist places like basements or corners. The spores of molds can mix with air and trigger asthma problems.

Dander: Pet skin flakes, hair, fur, etc. make dander and can trigger allergic asthma problems.

Cockroaches: They are typically found in many homes and buildings. Having saliva, feces, or other body parts of the cockroaches around can trigger asthma problems.

Childhood Asthma Diagnosis

Your child’s asthma symptoms may be gone by the time you get to the doctor’s office. You have an important role in helping your doctor understand what’s going on. A diagnosis will include:

Analysis of medical history & symptoms
A specialist will start by asking questions about any breathing problems in the child, any family history of allergies, eczema, asthma problems, or other lung conditions.

Physical exam
An asthma specialist will analyze the child’s heart and lungs to closely look in their nose or eyes for any signs of allergies.

If required or recommended by the expert, your child may need to undergo a chest X-ray. Some may also need Spirometry. The procedure is done to measure the amount of air in the lungs and how fast a person can blow it out. With this, the allergic asthma expert can identify the severity of the problem. Then there are other tests for finding asthma triggers.

Childhood Asthma Treatment

Treatment of Asthma depends upon the severity of symptoms and includes

  • Allergen Avoidance
  • Anti Allergic medications like antihistamines
  • Inhaled or Nebulic medications that help relieve an acute attack and prevent the spells

Your kids’ health matters the most. Make sure you consult experts at Kinder Hospitals if you live in Bangalore or nearby for complete care & effective treatments.

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