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8 Most Common C Section Delivery Myths and Facts You Should Know

October 14, 2022 | 01:17 pm

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C Section or Cesarean section births have seen a significant rise worldwide. More people are considering the method as an alternative to vaginal births. Though the success rate is acceptable and it serves some purpose to soon-to-be moms with certain complications, here we will bust some common myths that surround the process.

Many highly-recognized authorities claim C sections to be a necessary solution when medically appropriate and safe. The treatment can be life-saving for both mother and baby, but it needs judicious use.

But as useful as it is, there are certain reasons to not consider a C section birth in the first place. Some of these include:

  • Long recovery time
  • Increased chances of hysterectomy
  • Pelvic pain

& more.

However, more women are undergoing the method these days for reasons that may or may not be true.

Many expecting mothers think a C section delivery to be a better/safer option owing to what they think they know. In this blog, we will debunk the eight most common & popular C section myths and facts to encourage soon-to-be moms to make better choices.

Top 8 C Section Myths & Facts

Myth 1: C-sections are easier than normal deliveries.
Fact: Truth be told, a cesarean section involves a critical abdominal surgery with a longer post-op time. When a mother undergoes C-section, regardless of routine, there are certain risks. Pregnant women should consult their doctors concerning all available options for recovery and pain management before choosing any.

Myth 2: Women can’t have a vaginal birth post a C-section (VBAC).
Fact: As untrue as it sounds, this myth has kept a lot of women in the dark. A VBAC is not meant for every woman, but most women are eligible. Vaginal births post cesareans are possible and safe for eligible women. Depending on why C-section was previously performed, some cases are one-time only, while others may prefer to repeat themselves. According to reports, nearly 60-80% of women are eligible for a successful VBAC. Pregnant women should consult their doctors to check with criteria to be eligible for a vaginal birth post-cesarean.

Myth 3: Women can’t breastfeed post C section.
Fact: It might be challenging initially, but not impossible. Mothers can completely breastfeed their babies after a cesarean birth. The medications used during/after a cesarean are quite safe for breastfeeding. You can additionally consider a lactation consultant or specialized nurse to learn positions that are comfortable for breastfeeding after a C-section.

Myth 4: C sections reduce the risk of prolapse.
Fact: The vaginal walls may become lax in a condition called Vaginal prolapse. Here, the adjacent rectum, urethra, uterus, bladder, and small bowel may start to fall out of their regular positions since the vaginal wall is unable to support them. The truth is that vaginal prolapse remains a risk irrespective of a mother undergoing cesarean or vaginal birth.

Myth 5: C-section costs more than vaginal births.
Fact: Doctors typically don’t have any incentive behind cesarean surgery. Experts will suggest better and safer alternatives if required.

Myth 6: C-sections aren’t real births.
Fact: This is without a doubt, false. As soon as a baby is born out of your body, it is birth. Saying a cesarean section is not real birth just because it didn’t come out of the vagina is the same as saying basketball isn’t a sport because it’s not golf. Vaginal births and C-sections are different. But at the end of the day, the journey of a mother from being pregnant to birthing her baby is the same. The baby is hers and comes out of her body – a real birth.

Myth 7: Having multiple C-sections is okay.
Fact: If a woman has had multiple C sections, it’s a matter of concern. The more cesareans a mother undergoes, the more she is at the risk (generally after 3-4 cesareans). One of the major concerns is placenta accreta, a critical pregnancy condition where blood vessels & more parts of the placenta grow through the previous C-section scar and adjoining structures. Hysterectomy during delivery and blood transfusions often help combat the risk.

Myth 8: Backache Due to Cesarean Section / Spinal Anesthesia
Fact: Interestingly, backache is among the most common misconceptions surrounding spinal anesthesia. It often keeps the moms-to-be away or stressed about pain management injections during the labor. Truth is, after many studies and researches, experts reveal that there is no evidence or incidence supporting this statement.

So these are the common myths around C-sections and the facts to give you a clearer picture of the entire process. Ensure you know enough before proceeding with any pregnancy method and consult experts for help.

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