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Gynecology & Laparoscopic Surgery

Caring for women’s health of all ages including adolescent, maternal and ageing women is important for optimal health. We help with care ranging from well women exams to advanced medical and surgical care. Our modern care for women includes urogynaecology for reproductive and post-reproductive ages.
Our Gynaecology unit team is experienced in multiple disciplines of medical and surgical diagnosis, treatment and therapies. While we provide better medical care and support, we keep in mind the emotional and social aspects of women issues within our society.

We treat a range of women’s health problems from irregular cycles, contraceptive technology, stress related women issues and more. Find counseling and therapy for midlife women in the age of peri and post-menopausal stage. When medical therapy is insufficient, we apply innovative surgical care such as laparoscopic day surgery and fibroid removal from the uterus to control bleeding. These surgeries will still help women become mothers in the future.
Besides these, we care for stress incontinence and pelvic floor prolapse with diagnostic and preventive therapy. Find transvaginal, laparoscopic and abdominal procedures, such as removal of ovarian cysts and fibroids. For women with endometriosis and irregular, heavy vaginal bleeding, our diagnosis and therapy works perfectly.

Laparoscopic Surgery

When your surgeon makes a small cut and puts a tiny laparoscope with a camera and light into your body, they can view your body from inside on a large screen. This way instead of larger cuts, very tiny cuts are used to fix issues through a minimally invasive surgical procedure. The laparoscopic surgery is used to treat women’s reproductive issues and other issues like gall bladder and more. At Kinder Hospital, our gynaecology unit makes the use of this surgery to treat problems such as:

  • Endometriosis – Womb cells leaking in other parts of body
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – Removal of scar tissue
  • Pregnancy – Correcting a baby that starts to grow outside womb
  • Cyst removal
  • Fibroid removal
  • Cancer examination
  • Sterilization – Closing fallopian tubes (Tubectomy), Womb removal (Hysterectomy) and removal of ovaries (Oophorectomy)

How It’s Done

In this type of surgery, the surgeon makes small cuts not more than half an inch at your abdomen. Then, they insert a tube through each opening. This enables them to put the laparoscope with camera and surgical instruments to pass inside. The video captured by laparoscope is shown live on a screen and then your surgeon will perform the operation.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery

  • Smaller cuts of half an inch are made during laparoscopic surgery. Traditionally, six to twelve inch cuts are made in a surgery not involving a laparoscopy.
  • Smaller cuts leave smaller scars
  • Scars heal quicker in laparoscopy than traditional cuts surgery.
  • Get an early hospital discharge in about 2 days meaning savings on hospital bills. On the contrary, traditional surgery makes you stay in hospital for a week.
  • Lesser pain and quicker healing in 2-3 weeks. Whereas, traditional surgery takes 4-8 weeks to heal.
  • Resume normal life sooner
  • Less amount of internal scars than traditional surgery.

There are two types of advanced laparoscopy

  • When a surgeon uses the same cut for the camera to operate with surgical tools. This causes less cuts, less scarring and quicker healing. However, this method is a bit tricky for the surgeon as the surgical instruments are so close to each other.
  • A surgeon decides to use a device that will allow them to use their hands to reach the inside of your body. This is called “hand assisted” laparoscopy. The initial cut is small, however, hand assistance needs the cut to be longer than half an inch. This way, the surgeon can perform the operation quickly in cases of emergency. In this method, the hand assist cuts are smaller than the traditional surgery that tend to heal quicker. But it takes longer than the first method.

When a Robot Helps

A robot helps a surgeon to be extremely precise during an operation. The surgeon will make small cuts into the skin and put through the camera. Then they set up robot’s arms replacing the surgical instruments and set up a computer to operate.

As compared to normal laparoscopy, a robotic surgery will give a three dimensional high quality, magnified image of the inside parts. While watching the screen, the surgeon uses hand controls to move the robot and surgical instruments. This allows the surgeon to operate exactly where they need and not cut the surrounding parts. This means less bleeding and quicker healing.

Our Specialised Team

Dr. Sreeja Rani V R

Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Yasmin Imdad

Senior consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Geeta Komar

Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Aparna Patil

Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Ravi Kumar

Senior Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgery Know More Book an Appointment

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