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The Mystery of Colic in Infants: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Approved By: Dr. Sampat Kumar Shettigar February 05, 2025 | 01:10 pm

New parents are often flustered and upset when they cannot console their wailing infants. Any amount of cajoling will just not calm your baby. In such a situation have you heard elders or caretakers in the family say “It must be colic!

So, what is this colic in infants, and what causes it?

Colic in infants describes a condition where a baby experiences excessive crying lasting over three hours a day, occurring at least three days a week. Usually, no amount of consoling can calm a colicky baby. What is frustrating for new parents is the unexplained crying and not being able to comfort their baby.

Colic is not uncommon. A study published in the National Institute of Health reveals that 1 in every 4 babies suffer from severe colic that requires medical intervention.

If your baby is suffering from colic, it is advisable to visit the best pediatrician for professional help in handling the symptoms of colic.

Symptoms of colic

The symptoms of colic usually appear at least two weeks after birth. It can present as excessive inconsolable crying, a very tight tummy when baby is crying, keeping the legs flexed above the abdomen during the event, passing more gas than usual, and a persistent grunt -like noise during the event of pain. A typical sign is that the pain seems to return at a particular time every day, with colicaid free periods in between. No other pain (e.g. ear pain or pain due to an injury) has breaks in between.

signs of colic in infants

Causes of colic in infants

Despite several scientific studies, medical researchers have not come to any conclusion regarding the cause of colic. However, some researchers think that gas or a blocked gut can be the reason for colic pain. However, many babies cry for no apparent or evident reason, giving rise to other opinions regarding the cause of colic. Although not proven, some theories for colic include:

Mother’s diet

The diet of lactating mothers directly affects the quality of breast milk. At times, a mother’s diet can lead to digestive issues in a breastfed baby, potentially causing colic.

Also, a breastfeeding mother, drinking caffeine-infused drinks and beverages can cause colic in infants.


Another reason your baby may cry inconsolably is if your baby suffers from gas or a feeling of a full tummy. In such cases, your baby may interpret this new feeling of fullness as something different and cry.

Just out into the new world

Again, remember your baby is just a few days old and has to adjust to a whole new world. This period of colic may be just your baby’s way of preparing for the challenging world out there. A new world away from the comfort of its mother’s womb.

Solutions for colic

Although symptoms of colic in babies usually disappear on their own after a while, it is advisable to visit a pediatrician to ensure your baby’s crying is not a result of any other underlying health problem.

Regular check-ups at the best pediatric hospital will ensure your baby is always in the pink of health.

Also, pediatricians prescribe gripe water to ease or calm any digestive or colic pain. However, it must be noted that different companies use different ingredients for gripe water. Therefore it must be administered to infants only on the advice of your pediatrician.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, try changing your diet. This can eliminate the chances of colic because of any food reaction.

Further, you can try simple calming techniques like swaddling your baby in a warm cotton cloth, or patting and gently rocking your baby.

How can you help your colicky baby?

If your baby is suffering from colic, it is advisable to visit the best pediatric hospital in Bangalore, Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre.  At Kinder Hospitals, we have a team of the best pediatricians, dieticians, and gynecologists to ensure a healthy journey for mothers and babies.

With the best pediatricians in Whitefield, Bangalore we are one of the leading hospitals for maternity and child care in Bangalore.

At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre, we have the best facilities and infrastructure to handle complex pregnancy cases and childbirth. Our Level III NICU is equipped with cutting-edge facilities to provide exceptional care for newborns. Visit Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre for all your health care requirements.



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