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Teenage Skincare Guide – Everything You Need to Know

November 21, 2023 | 11:47 am
Teenage Skincare Guide

Teenage Skincare Guide

Teenage life can be very complicated. We all have our doubts and frets. Even when it comes to small matters like skincare, a teenager may have several concerns and queries. You hate those pimples, scars, and in worse conditions your sensitive skin. 

You do not want to embarrass yourself in front of others with red skin. Besides, when you are suffering from acne, you may not even move outside for fear of getting bullied. 

Recommended Skin Care Tips for Young Adults

The good news is that there is help around. We at KINDER Hospital can provide you with a good skin care specialist, who can help you with your acne treatment. Here are some ideas to help you maintain healthy skin & prevent ailments. 

  • Keep a simple skincare routine

Have a simple skincare routine. Just like the saying, “Too many cooks spoil the broth, likewise, too many creams and oils can ruin your skin. Have a simple routine, where you use a reliable cream or oil on your skin, twice a day. 

Please avoid using a washcloth, sponge, or other materials that can have an adverse effect on your skin.

  • Use reliable & quality skincare products

Now, the first thing that you should know is that your skin is different from others. There is dry skin, wet skin, oily skin, and so on. You will have to choose your skincare products accordingly. This can include creams, gels, sunscreen etc

  • Tackle acne early

One of the most common complaints that teenagers have is acne. Tackle it early to prevent complications like post-acne pigmentation and acne scars. The moment, you notice that you are having acne, then you can visit a dermatologist near you.

Why do you need a dermatologist?

There are many reasons you may consider visiting a dermatologist. 

  • Psoriasis is one of the main causes for you to visit the dermatologist. It happens due to the poor immune system. Though you can make use of creams and solutions, you may consider visiting a dermatologist. 
  • Hair loss is a common problem that is faced by many people. Sometimes thinning of your hair can be a major issue that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the main reasons for quick hair loss is due to stress, fever, and surgeries. 
  • Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that may cause discomfort to your eyes as well. You can notice that your face has redness. You may feel uncomfortable about your appearance. 


At Kinder Women’s Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore, we offer a haven for comprehensive skincare solutions tailored to the unique needs of teenagers. Our experienced and compassionate team of skincare specialists including a lady dermatologist, understands the unique challenges of teenage skincare, pregnant and lactating women skincare, and is committed to guiding and supporting young adults on their path to healthy, radiant skin. We go beyond skincare; we empower teenagers to embrace their individuality and face the world with confidence. Our commitment is to provide not just medical solutions but a supportive environment where every young adult feels understood and cared for.

Choose Kinder Women’s Hospital for your skincare journey—a place where expertise meets empathy, and your skin health becomes our priority. At Kinder, we believe in nurturing not just healthy skin but confident and resilient, individuals. Your radiant skin begins here

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