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Postpartum Wellness A holistic approach to recovery after childbirth

Approved By: Dr. Sreeja Rani V R February 14, 2024 | 04:32 pm

Childbirth can bring about mixed emotions for the new mother. Experiencing moments of joy and love coupled with bouts of sadness, despair and misery are all natural feelings after childbirth. However, it’s time to raise the red flag when the negative emotions become severe and overpower the positive sentiments. In such a case, you are suffering from what is commonly known as postpartum depression. It is only natural to feel this way. Postpartum depression is treatable. A good postpartum depression therapist will guide you through the journey to recovery.

These cynical thoughts running through your head can prove to be an emotional disaster for you and your family. Receiving professional counseling for postpartum depression from the best women’s hospital for pregnancy care can be the healing factor in your life.

Targeting Postpartum Wellness

Some of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore offer a holistic and comprehensive approach to recovery after childbirth. Visiting a postpartum depression therapist can ensure that you are well on the way to postpartum wellness and healing.

Your therapist may require medical tests and check-ups to be conducted to rule out other causes of the depression.

Hospital for women in Bangalore

How can your therapist help you?

Therapists or counselors can lead you toward postpartum wellness. Psychotherapy or communicating with your therapist is one of the ways to heal. Interacting and verbally communicating with a professional can help you deal with negative emotions that burden your life. Seeking professional counseling for postpartum depression is one of the best ways to conquer depression.

Your therapist may also prescribe suitable medications to treat external health issues that may have an effect on postpartum depression like thyroid, insomnia or anxiety. Healthcare providers will ensure that these prescribed medicines are safe even when you are breastfeeding your baby.

What can you do to overcome postpartum depression?

A good counselor from one of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore will give you tips on how you can help yourself overcome postpartum depression. Here are just some of the ways you can help yourself during these tough times:


Socializing and interacting with friends and family during this time can help distract your mind from the mundane chores. Some of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore have support groups that help you share your emotions with other new parents.

Eat healthy and exercise

It is a myth that breastfeeding mothers must eat double the quantity of food. The point is to eat the right portions of healthy food at regular intervals. During your counseling for postpartum depression, you will receive nutritional diet plans to guide you toward postpartum wellness.

It’s no surprise that your body has gone through a host of physical changes. Doctor-prescribed exercises and workouts can help your body get back to normal, faster.


While your sleep patterns may be disturbed, it is important to rest whenever you can. Rest allows you to emotionally and physically recuperate.


Kinder Hospital has been at the forefront when it comes to excellent pregnancy and childbirth services. We believe that the perfect care for the new mother ensures the well-being of the newborn. Our team of highly qualified doctors, well-experienced therapists and healthcare providers ensure that our patients are offered the best treatment possible. At Kinder Hospital, we offer a range of delivery packages to suit the needs of our patients.

Regarded as one of the best women’s hospitals in pregnancy care, Kinder is a name to reckon with. With years of experience in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, Kinder Hospital offers comprehensive maternity services in Bangalore.

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