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Balancing Work and Wellness: Health Tips for Busy Women in Bangalore

Approved By: Dr. Sanjana Premlal July 09, 2024 | 10:14 am

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”

It’s time working women in Bangalore and busy homemakers prioritize their health because communities and societies are only as strong as the health of their women.

So, let’s discuss health tips for working women to ensure they are always in the pink of health for greater productivity and growth in society.

Know your capacity

Every woman is a unique being. What is mentally and physically possible for you may not be achievable for another or vice versa. Your capacity is your power and is unique to you. Learn to identify your limitations and destress from activities that are out of your ambit. You can visit the best hospital for women’s health to connect with professional counselors for advice and guidance.

A balanced diet

Your diet plays an important role in your mental and physical well-being. Your mental and physical fitness directly impacts your output at work and mood at home. In fact, research shows a close relationship between healthy eating patterns and better mental health.

Your dietician in Bangalore will help you follow a healthy and balanced diet also ensuring you remain fit throughout your busy schedule.

Further, if you are pregnant and working too, you need to take extra care of your diet because you are nurturing your little one inside you while navigating your busy work schedule. It is advisable to visit a good hospital for women’s health for the best dietician tips for pregnant working ladies.

dietician tips for pregnant working ladies


If you are a working woman in Bangalore, we know hitting the gym for a workout after your long office hours may not always be possible. So, our advice is to not always think of exercise in a single form. Accept exercise as any kind of movement or activity for your body to sustain or improve your fitness. For example, you can climb the steps instead of taking the lift or cycle or walk to your workplace.

Personal hygiene

Working women often tend to ignore their personal hygiene, not realizing that personal hygiene is important to avoid infections and maintain good health. It is also important to take extra care during your menstruation every month. To maintain period hygiene change your pad every 3 to 4 hours during the day even if your flow is light. Visit a good women’s doctor for the best advice on maintaining personal hygiene despite your busy schedule.

Catch up on your sleep

An Important health tip for working women is to catch up on your sleep. Research shows the importance of sleep and how inadequate sleep can adversely affect your health. Therefore, it is essential to schedule at least 7 hours of sleep regularly in a day for optimal health.

Regular health checkups

Another essential health tip for working women is to have regular health checkups. The World Health Organization, in its newsroom, published the top health checks for women including Pap smear, HPV testing, and breast cancer early detection among other important health checkups for women. Visit the best hospital for women’s health for regular checkups.


Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre is one of the best women’s hospitals in Bangalore. Our women-centric health packages cater to the needs of the modern woman. We also understand the requirements of working women in Bangalore and offer the most advanced healthcare services at reasonable costs.

We have on board, a team of specially qualified women doctors for the benefit of our patients. Over the years we have garnered the trust of our patients making us one of the most preferred women’s hospitals in Bangalore.

At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre, we strive to achieve successful healthcare outcomes through our proficient systems. Further, our passionate and dedicated team of doctors, healthcare professionals, and auxiliary staff comprise our core leadership team.

Regarded as the best hospital for women and children in Bangalore, Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre is known for its professional services and competitive rates.

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