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Mother & Child care Programme

Get better health and wellbeing in women, children and families, with Kinder Hospital’s mother and child care Programme. We work towards positively inspiring people to take care of their health throughout their lifetime. This Programme helps prevent lifestyle diseases in the entire family through holistic practices.


A stable and maintained health of the mother and child is the foundation of the mother and child care Programme. It is a vital public health goal for our country. Raising stronger and healthier children and mothers will create stronger communities and better genes will be carried forward in the next generation. This Programme takes care of a wide range of conditions, health behaviours, and indicators that affect health, wellness, and quality of life.

Importance of Mother, Baby and Child Health:

When a woman is pregnant, it is easy to identify health risks and prevent them in the future to have more kids and mother them.

  • These health risks have lifestyle diseases like:
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Domestic violence
  • Hereditary diseases
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Smoking, alcoholism, and illegal drugs.
  • Improper diet and nutrition
  • Being under or overweight

Our obstetricians help save mothers’ and baby’s life and pregnancy-related complications by raising the quality of health. For instance, before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and between pregnancies care is provided. Moreover, healthy babies are born with early identification and treatment of many conditions. These include developmental delays and disabilities and critical health conditions among babies. Early detection helps prevent death or disability and enable children to reach their full potential.

Reach the Best Health for Mothers and Babies:

Factors affecting pregnancy and childbirth –

  • Health of the mother before conceiving.
  • Age of the mother
  • Access to the right health care before pregnancy, during and after pregnancy
  • Poor condition of finances leading to lack of knowledge, poor nutrition, lack of hygiene and untreated diseases
  • Infant and child health is affected by education, family income, breastfeeding, the physical and mental health of parents and caregivers.
Factors Affecting Mother, Baby and Child Health:
  • Living conditions of the places where people are; like homes, workplace, schools and playgrounds.
  • Access to health care, early action for health issues and more. The chances people get for education, jobs, and to gain financial health, social support, and access resources to meet daily needs, create better mother, baby and child health resulting in stronger babies being born along with their mothers.
  • Child health status due to stronger genes varies by race and ethnicity, and by family income and other factors. These include knowledge about taking care of yourself through education, health awareness among family members and health insurance coverage.
  • Children can gain health and well-being through access to quality health care, at a medical home and maternity care to promote breastfeeding and safe sleep environments.

The health, nutrition, and behaviors of mothers during pregnancy and early childhood affect the brain and body development in babies and kids. Taking the recommended amounts of folic acid before and during pregnancy reduces neural tube issues. Breast milk is the most complete form of nutrition for babies to benefit their health, growth, immunity, and development. Furthermore, children raised in safe and nurturing homes and societies become better adults than the ones whose childhood experiences have been harsh.

Frequently Asked Questions

While most of the time you will be involved in newborn care, postpartum delivery care for yourself is equally important. You might experience mood swings, breastfeeding challenges, fatigue, water retention, afterbirth pains, or even constipation. Communicate openly with your doctor for the best postpartum delivery care.

Supporting your mental health postpartum is an important part of your well being. Postpartum depression is common but treatable. You can seek support from your loved ones around you or talk to a postpartum depression therapist or your gynaecologist. Also ensure you eat well and get adequate rest to ensure your mental well being. 

Our Specialised Team

Dr. Sreeja Rani V R

Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Yasmin Imdad

Senior consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Geeta Komar

Senior Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

Dr. Aparna Patil

Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Know More Book an Appointment

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