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Audiology and Speech therapy

Communication is the solvent of all problems and is the foundation for personal development. Hearing and speech are the pivotal arms of communication. At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre, we understand the importance of effective communication. That is why we have established a state of the art Audiology and Speech therapy centre well equipped with the latest facilities and staffed by a team of the best audiologists and speech therapists in Bangalore.

Our hospital boasts of being a multi specialty centre, extending our communication therapy services to all age groups from children to adults.

At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre we are committed to providing the highest quality of care to our patients. As part of our services, we conduct new neonatal Hearing Screening Comprising of OAE(Otto Acoustic Emmissions) test at the time of Birth and Comprehensive Diagnostics tests like Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA ear test), Tympanometry test for the middle ear, Pure Tone Audiometry, and hearing aid trial and fitting.

We believe that early diagnosis and timely intervention for disorders consistently lead to improved patient outcomes. At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre we have a team of the best pediatric audiologists who are highly experienced in pediatric cases and early diagnosis. Our pediatric audiologists excel in audiologytherapy for children, including children diagnosed with ADHD and autism.

Visit the Audiology and Speech Therapy centre at Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre for the best hearing consultations and Audiology Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of Hearing loss.

Our Specialised Team

Ms. Nitika Gupta

Consultant Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist Know More Book an Appointment

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