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Newborn Care at Home: Vital Guidelines for First-Time Parents

Approved By: Dr. Sampat Kumar Shettigar July 31, 2024 | 06:23 pm

Welcoming your newborn baby at home can evoke mixed feelings of joy and anxiety for first-time parents. Remember, you’re not alone. Whether you are a first-time parent or adding two more tiny feet to your family, the feeling of joy and anxiety will always remain. Neonatal care at home is quite challenging and can be slightly overwhelming.

However, with the right guidance and advice you can ace newborn care at home. So, let’s look at a few guidelines that can help you with newborn care.

Firstly, it is important to remember that it is ok to make mistakes along the way. Your baby is stronger than you think. In fact, sometimes these mistakes allow you to discover new ways of care that are most comfortable for you and your baby.

Cradling your baby

First-time parents may find it difficult to hold the newborn baby correctly. At birth, your baby’s neck muscles are still weak. That is why it is important to support the head and neck while holding or cradling your baby. Also, learning to hold and cradle your baby correctly creates a unique and strong bond between you and your baby.


Another important aspect of newborn care at home is to master the right technique to breastfeed your baby. For a new mother, it is a game of trial and error to find the most comfortable breastfeeding position.  You can try various breastfeeding positions like:

  • Cradle hold.
  • Lying on your side.
  • Laid-back nursing
  • Rugby hold

Another common question of first-time parents is how often they should feed their baby. The answer to this varies greatly for breastfeeding mothers and mothers who supplement their breast milk with formulae. Therefore, visit a pediatric neonatologist in the best child’s hospital in Bangalore for professional advice on how often you should feed your baby.

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Baby Massage

Research shows the positive effects of baby massages on the physical and mental well-being of your little one. Baby massages tend to relieve pain, increase weight gain, help your baby to relax, and also improve your baby’s sleep pattern. Therefore, it is important to set a massage routine in your newborn care at home.

However, remember to choose your baby products with care. Ensure your massage oils and creams are clinically proven mild and are perfectly safe on your baby’s skin.

Understanding your baby’s cry

First-time parents are usually distraught when they cannot identify why their baby is crying. Firstly, understand that crying is the only way your baby can communicate with you. So, your baby may be crying for various reasons like sleep, hunger, pain, or boredom.

If your baby cries incessantly, visit a good pediatric neonatologist to find the root cause.

Bathing your baby

You can bathe your infant in-home care with warm water and a washcloth. Test the water to make sure the water is not too hot for your baby’s skin. Also, remember not to soak the naval area in water until it has completely healed.

Clothing and swaddling

For neonatal care at home, ensure your newborn wears comfortable light cotton fabrics to avoid any skin reactions or rashes. Also, prepare your swaddle and wrap your baby snugly and securely.

Watch out for developmental signs

As first time parents, you may not know what to expect. You can watch out for activities like reactions to sound and vision. Over the next two months look out for more controlled movements in your baby. Additionally, visit a good developmental pediatrician to understand your baby’s activities better.

Normal Weight Loss After Birth

It is normal for newborns to lose weight within the first few days after birth. Typically, babies lose about 5-10% of their birth weight as they shed excess fluids and adjust to feeding outside the womb.

This weight loss usually stabilizes within the first week, and most babies regain their birth weight by the end of the second week. Frequent breastfeeding and ensuring your baby latches on correctly can help promote healthy weight gain. If you have concerns about your baby’s weight loss or feeding patterns, consult a pediatric neonatologist for personalized advice.

Newborn Jaundice

Newborn jaundice is common and usually appears within the first few days of life, characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. This condition occurs due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood, a byproduct of red blood cell breakdown.

Mild jaundice often resolves on its own as your baby’s liver matures and processes bilirubin more efficiently. Ensure your baby gets plenty of sunlight exposure and frequent feedings to help reduce bilirubin levels. However, if the jaundice appears severe or persists, it’s crucial to seek medical attention for potential treatments like phototherapy.


Neonatal care at home only sounds complicated. However, the more you bond with your baby, the more natural you get at parenting. Newborn care is the most joyful experience for parents. Further, nurturing your infant in-home care creates a special bond that lasts a lifetime.

Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre in Bangalore brings joy and hope to new and expectant parents. Our state-of-the-art pediatric centre and highly qualified pediatric neonatologists make us one of the best child hospitals in Bangalore.

With the best neonatal care facilities and a team of top gynecologists in Bangalore, Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre is the most preferred hospital for pregnancy care, deliveries, and child care.

At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre in Whitefield Bangalore, we provide superior medical support through our advanced diagnostic assessments and core leadership team.

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