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How to Prepare for Motherhood with Preconception Care?

May 26, 2022 | 10:17 am
Best hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore

Best hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore

Before getting pregnant, every couple must prepare with preconceptional care and reassure the health of their baby. For a healthy mother and child, adopting a healthier lifestyle before pregnancy is highly recommended. Embracing motherhood is not an easy journey as it is a series of processes that involves dedicating time to learn and implement new things in life. To create the best experience of becoming parents, you must prepare yourself with proper health care related to preconception as below –

1) Get your health shots of vaccination:

Be it the COVID shots, Hepatitis B, Rubella, Influenza, Tdap, Varicella, Human Papillomavirus, and others, getting your doses at proper intervals is important for immunisation. This ensures the baby and mother to be healthy at the time of delivery and post delivery. Find the best obstetrics care clinic in Bangalore at Kinder Hospital.

2) Monitor your overall health:


The best age for pregnancy is between 20 and 35 years of age.

Adverse Outcomes in Past Pregnancies:

Any previous history of infant death, foetal loss, birth defects, low birth weight, preterm birth are going to affect your next pregnancy. Avoid undesirable health issues with the best gynaecologist in Bangalore for high risk pregnancy. Get in touch with Kinder Hospitals Bangalore.


If you have a health condition and are taking medications for the same, for example, thyroid problems, high blood pressure or diabetes, discuss them with your doctor. If you are planning on taking any medications, discuss them as well. A doctor must know drug interactions and effects of medications for birth defects and more.

Get Tested for Infections:

Get tested for periodontal, urogenital and sexually transmitted diseases. Take appropriate immunizations as per the test results.

Screening of Genetics to get probability of diseases:

Hereditary diseases run in the family bloodline can turn out to be a risk factor at the birth of your child. A complete analysis of family history is needed to determine the possibility of getting them carried forward.

Bridging any Nutritional Gaps:

Assessing your body mass index and checking for nutritional deficiencies and related conditions is important for mother’s health. For instance, if you are anaemic, it is necessary to first treat the condition and then go for a pregnancy.

Stable Mental Health:

In addition to environmental stressors, develop for a positive self image as well as gain social acceptance. If you are facing any violence or getting pressured by people around you to embrace motherhood, seek assistance and talk to your mental health provider. Get pregnant when you are completely confident about raising your child well. Not being prepared for parenthood is a major risk factor for various biological problems linked to poor mental health. Get rid of any habits like substance abuse to gain better health. Watch out for depression, anxiety, domestic violence, and major psychosocial stressors.

Body examination:

Periodontal, thyroid, heart, breast, and pelvic examinations include checking pain or discomfort in any of these body parts.

Lab testing:

Getting reports on different types of samples such as blood, urine provides a deeper insight into blood count, blood type, and diseases like syphilis, hepatitis B, human immunodeficiency virus, rubella, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and diabetes. Knowing more about cervical cytology and hormone levels are going to provide significant information on your status of health. Sometimes a laparoscopy is needed to check the underlying condition clearly. Find the best laparoscopic gynaecologist in Bangalore at Kinder Hospital.

3) Get medical risk assessment for your medical conditions:

If you have a medical condition like diabetes, lifestyle diseases, get a complete analysis of any possible health risk to mother or the baby.

4) Get 400 – 800 mcg of folic acid a day:

Neural tube defects in babies are reduced when women take daily supplementation of 400-800 mcg along with vitamins. This supports healthy development of the foetus and the baby.

5) Quit smoking and drinking alcohol absolutely:

Alcohol increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and low birthweight of your baby after delivery. Smoking increases the risk of infertility in women. Women who smoke have more difficulty becoming pregnant and carry a greater risk of never becoming pregnant.

6) Keep away from chemicals:

Watch out for heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, endocrine disruptors, allergens in your surroundings. Go for a detox as per doctor’s recommendations.

7) Adopt a healthy lifestyle:

• Cut down refined carbs such as white flour, sugar, cakes, doughnuts and like.
• Eat leafy greens, low fat dairy, whole grains and yellow colored fruits and vegetables.
• Focus on hydration by drinking 3-4 litres of water
• Avoid smoke, alcohol, drugs, pesticides, solvents and environmental pollutants getting in your nose and skin. This includes household cleaners and some cosmetics as well.
• Create a habit of regular exercise
• Practice meditation and relaxation
• Avoid high temperature spas and sauna


Immunisation with vaccine shots, monitoring your overall health, getting medical risk assessment of your biological and medical conditions, adding folic acid supplementation, quitting smoking and drinking, staying away from chemicals, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are some of the preconception preparation tips. Get in touch with ob gyn at Kinder Hospital for complete risk assessment and various options to fasttrack your path to successful motherhood. Book a consultation today!

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