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Understanding Clubfoot in Newborns: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Approved By: Dr. Leenatha Reddy N March 10, 2025 | 03:39 pm

Although club foot is less obvious in an ultrasound, your doctor can diagnose this congenital disease after birth. So, what is clubfoot and how can it be treated?

Clubfoot in newborns is a condition where the feet are turned inwards. This condition occurs when the tendons in your child’s feet are shorter and tighter. It causes your child’s feet or foot to twist and turn inward.

The reassuring news is that in most cases the condition is treatable. With extensive physiotherapy and minimal intervention, your child can perfectly reach their growing milestones.

Any abnormality detected in an ultrasound can be quite devastating for expecting parents. However, ultrasound scans are not perfect. There are chances an ultrasound can pick up something that isn’t there. So, your doctor will be able to confirm a clubfoot only after the birth of your baby. If your doctor has noticed clubfoot in your baby, it is important to understand the condition and prepare for an involved treatment process.

Understanding Clubfoot in Newborns

As mentioned above, clubfoot is a condition where your baby’s foot is turned inward. It can be mild or severe in some cases. However, if not treated, it can cause your child to walk on the side of their feet and may even result in a limp, foot infections like skin sores, and also arthritis. Therefore, it is always advisable to seek professional clubfoot treatment immediately after your child’s birth. Visit the child care hospital for clubfoot treatment.

Clubfoot Treatment

Causes for clubfoot in newborns

Club foot is caused when the tendons, that is, the tissues that attach muscles to bones, are shorter and also tighter than normal. Although the particular cause of this condition is not exactly known, research reveals the condition can be genetic or caused by external influences like consumption of alcohol or drug use during pregnancy.

Clubfoot treatment

Early intervention is the key to successful clubfoot treatment. The tendons and bones of newborns are relatively flexible and easier to correct. That is why your doctor will initiate treatment in the first few weeks of your child’s birth. The diagnosis can be different for every child. So, it is advisable to follow your paediatrician’s advice regarding the best treatment option for your child’s diagnosis.

Your neonatologist will conduct medical tests and consult other health care professionals including an orthopedic surgeon and physiotherapist before suggesting any of the treatments or a combination of two or more treatment options.

Ponseti treatment

The ponseti method involves a series of casts and also braces to correct clubfoot in newborns. It is a nonsurgical and minimally invasive procedure to treat the condition.

Physiotherapy in clubfoot

Simple massages and physiotherapy to correct the foot’s position and stretch the contracted tendons can help minimize the effects of club foot. Also, your child may be advised to wear bracing shoes for several years to keep the foot at the correct angle.

French method

Another possible option for clubfoot treatment is the French method. Here, your doctor will stretch, tape and also support the the feet with a splint. Usually, your doctor will suggest the French method for mild clubfoot cases.


For more severe clubfoot conditions, your doctor may suggest surgery.

Is clubfoot preventable?

Your best chance of preventing clubfoot or any other birth defect for your child is to take care of your health before and during your pregnancy. If you are planning your pregnancy, meet your gynecologist to discuss your family history and other issues that may affect your pregnancy. Also, your gynecologist will advise you to follow a balanced diet and avoid the consumption of alcohol to improve your chances of conception.

Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre is one of the best mother and child care hospitals in Bangalore, providing world-class health care for women and children.  We have a team of the best paediatricians in Bangalore offering their expertise in childcare treatments.

At Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre in Whitefield Bangalore, we have a level III NICU for high-risk deliveries. Our state-of-the-art facilities and also advanced infrastructure make it one of the most preferred hospitals in Bangalore for pregnancy and delivery.

Visit Kinder Women’s Hospital and Fertility Centre in Bangalore, for the best health care for mothers and children.

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